Friday, April 23, 2010

like a river

Barbara I from my android

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thanks from Dana

Thanks to everyone who posted their material on the blog today! Its really encouraging to see your responses to One Block Radius; we only wish that we had left enough time at the end of the session to discuss in more depth your experience of the exercise and the Follow-Up Questions posed at the end of the session. We would have also liked to collect some more of YOUR questions about our work together today – these would have added another important layer to the online discussion. After de-briefing this afternoon, Hana and I agree that we’d very much like to try this presentation again, perhaps assigning one half the group to One Block Radius and the other half to Put Something Here. That way we might really engage by comparison the key questions about civic engagement as well as the ones about codifying (or not) creative research.

Do you see your photo here?

If you participated in this project and you don't see your photo here, there is a chance that it did not come through. Please try again, but remember this:

1. Please send only one image at a time.

2. If you are using an iphone - go to Pictures and when you have the option of how to forward a photo, use MMS and send it to

Thank you everyone for your contributions!

Artistic Research

The Neighborhood Narratives project engages strategies that work against assumptions and stabilities of site and location and are articulated through an interdisciplinary engagement of what has become a new urban art. The exercise here is part of a creative research initiative that is providing innovative opportunities to meet new audiences. These participatory activities are part of our collaborative vision to transform values, policies and institutions, and to ensure the that the intellectual and aesthetic contributions of a diverse group of artists are included in the cultural mainstream.

Follow Up Questions

When new knowledge about shared space and place is generated, who owns it and what are the obligations of that ownership?

What are the implications (creative, social, historical, political), and potential applications of artists and their collaborators to make and remake maps/narratives of urban experience?

Can “creative research” be codified in some way to become applicable to collaborative interdisciplinary study?

What are the pitfalls of codification in this context?

How to send a photo or audio entry to the blog

How to send a picture from your phone:

Go to Pictures and
Using either email or MMS feature, send to

How to phone in a description:

Dial 512-827-0431
Enter pin 181-197-551#
You will be asked to asked to enter the number of the blog
Enter 1093
Press 1 for Publish and then record.

The Assignment

You have 15 minutes from the time you leave the room to
The time you return to the room.

You are to investigate the one block radius of the building,
looking for:

Easy in and out that becomes difficult
The flow of bodies and how that is curbed by commodity-derived
Discontinuities of physical structures
Where the pedestrian flow is disrupted or obstructed by mobile

Take a picture with your phone or call in a description.

Workshop Assignment for Claiming Creativity

Based on the Neighborhood Narratives model, we are addressing
how an artist-led inquiry into the new boundlessness of socially
produced space informs the conversation around the shifting geo-
economic and demographic conditions of place.

Focusing on how the embodied sense of physical place is the basis
from which the virtual is created and used by different actors, we
have designed an exercise for the conference participants.

The session attendees will be participating in a one block investigation of the block
surrounding 525 S. State Street that is bounded by S. Wabash Ave.,
S. Holden Ct., E. Harrison Ave. and E. Congress Parkway in Chicago.


Street pedestrianflow







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Obstruction: organic vs steel

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